Saturday 26 March 2016

3 Things you don't have to sacrifice to save money

{Post brought to you in conjunction with Compare the Market}
Many Australians are sacrificing things in order to afford health insurance. Health insurance is crucial to me. We use it a lot and I have needed it to get treatment fast.
Looking at some recent research from Compare TheMarket, I saw many give up restaurants, take away food, donating to charities, gifts, travel, alcohol, entertainment such as movies or even work during holidays in order to afford health insurance.
Instead of cutting everything out, here are some ideas on how to find the money for health insurance, especially with the rate rise without sacrificing lifestyle.

1.) Compare and switch

Do this for health insurance, car insurance, home and contents, telephone plan, internet package, electricity, gas and any services you use. Compare the plans, what each includes and find the best option at the lowest price for you. I have done this and saved thousands of dollars over the course of the year, more than enough to cover my annual health insurance costs.

2.) Charitable donations

I am an advocate for Share The Dignity and have done a lot of charity work so recommend not giving up charitable donations, however it doesn’t have to be only monetary donations. You can volunteer at events or on special occasions, donate a smaller amount, donate goods or promote them on social media to assist in raising awareness and funding for them.

3.) Travel

I love to travel and can’t imagine giving it up. I have written a few articles to help reduce expenses and articles such as 29 ways to make money whiletravelling, even as a family.
Travel enriches your life and the long term benefit is huge. By turning your travel into a money making venture or looking at how you can reduce the cost such as travelling in off peak times, using points, taking only carry on and only buying what you need, you don’t have to give up travel. With proper planning you might even make enough money from travelling to cover all your expenses or cover health insurance.
Life is about blending everything you want and need, finding the balance and what works for you. When you focus on what you need to cut or reduce in order to afford the things you need it can get quite depressing. Instead of looking at all the things you have to sacrifice, change your view and see how you can either make more money with it or how you can do it differently to still have it in your life.
These are just a few things you could do. What have you sacrificed to keep health insurance or how have you juggled things in your life to maintain the lifestyle you want without sacrifice?
This is a sponsored guest post by Kylie Travers, CEO of Occasio Enterprises on behalf of Compare The Market. Kylie Travers is an author, speaker, writer and loves helping others create a life they love.

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