{Post in conjunction with Bedding Co}
How’s this for a wake up call?
More than half (63%) of Australian adults have actively taken steps to improve their sleep quality in the past twelve months, with Australian adults among the most likely to use prescription sleep drugs compared to the rest of the world. These are the latest findings in a recent online study, The Philips annual sleep survey conducted in February by Harris Poll on behalf of Philips.This survey compares the sleep habits of over 15,000 adults across 13 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, the UK, and the United States) and assesses how sleep is prioritised, addressed and perceived by populations around the globe.
Here are some recommendations to help you take control of your sleep health so hopefully, you can better enjoy your day without yawning every hour.
The findings prove that clearly, us Aussies are fair dinkum about our need for sleep.
The findings prove that clearly, us Aussies are fair dinkum about our need for sleep.
Choose your sleep tools wisely by researching them!
Seek out a mattress that supports your body, but also one that remains cool and breathable. It’s really important that regardless of how tired you are, you take the time to research what’s on the market so you can find bedding that’s suited to you, your needs, and your budget. A great starting point is to check out bedding online first.